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Date: Sunday, June 17, 2018

It is always very satisfying to be able to deliver on our promises but more importantly knowing that we have not only saved them time and money but we have made their job considerably easier and less stressful.

A recent job required the plotting of a ball mill drive pinion, girth gear and associated holding down bolt positions to enable the correct workshop assembly of a replacement pinion. This process enabled the pinion and bearings to be fully assembled and setup in the workshop and therefore avoiding unnecessary and costly shutdown time delays and ultimately reducing the shutdown duration.

The collection of this information would typically involve an everyday ruler, straight edge and plumb bob manual measurement operation. Besides any accuracy concerns the requirement of a complete equipment shutdown for the four hour duration of measurement process and loss of the associated production is where the Scan Tech option provided the ultimate solution. Scans were taken of the mill drive pinion assembly and girth gear and this collected data was then taken back to our office for processing and reporting. The data was collected in less than two hours which is less than half of the time that would have been taken utilising the traditional measurement methods. This saving of over two hours of production time along with superior accuracy of the scanning process would be a simple justification of the Scan Tech process. But wait there is more!! Utilising our state of the art equipment we were able to collect the data without the need to shut the equipment down and therefore saving many thousands of dollars in lost production alone not to mention many other indirect costs. The data was collected in a short period of time, accurately and without interruption to normal operations.

This is typical of what Scan Tech can do for it’s clients. If you need similar options for you operation or have that impossible job, just give us a call to discuss a solution.