Bridge Monitoring
3D Laser Scanning provides a very time and cost efficient process for the data collection, evaluation and monitoring of transport infrastructure especially bridges.
With access to current and historic digital data the continuous monitoring of infrastructure condition, degradation and compliance can now be reviewed and processed without the need for extensive field activities.

Each single scan can used to accurately and efficiently determine and detect accident damage, age and environmental damage and degradation, effects of natural events, physical movement and displacement, compliance auditing, clearance measurements, furniture configuration and damage as well as abuse detection and monitoring such as graffiti.
Each time that the data is collected it can be overlaid over previously collected (historical) data and the physical changes in any structure becomes immediately evident and quantifiable. With accuracy down to +/- 2 mm even the slightest movement or deterioration in the structure can be identified and assessed.
determine and plan all necessary maintenance and repair functions required for the infrastructure itself but will also show the surrounding terrain and impediments that will allow for the access equipment and tooling to be arranged that will result in the efficient and complete execution of the works required.

Accurately determine and plan all necessary maintenance and repairs.